Item Description (Part Number) 1 Burner Tray (W010-4982) +$Call to Order QTY: 2 Screw (N570-0008) +$10.95 QTY: 3 Glass Tray Handle (N325-0074) +$49.00 QTY: 4 Orifice #25 - NG (N455-0066) +$77.70 QTY: 5 Flex Connector (N720-0062) +$101.84 QTY: 6 Battery (W043-0004) +$Call to Order QTY: 7 Light Switch (N660-0002) +$35.36 QTY: 8 LED Wiring (N750-0026) +$166.42 QTY: 8A Wire Clip (W160-0095) +$31.14 QTY: 9 Silicone Bumper [4 per unit, each sold separately] (N510-0002) +$31.46 QTY: 11 Nailing Tab (N665-0012) +$35.36 QTY: 12 LED ContRoller (N190-0002) +$241.19 QTY: 13 Flex Connector with Valve (W175-0217) +$108.97 QTY: 14 Fitting (W455-0038) +$Call to Order QTY: 15 Control Panel Cover (W200-0847) +$Call to Order QTY: 15A Thumb Screw (N570-0096) +$37.31 QTY: 16 Light Transformer (W707-0033) +$73.06 QTY: 17 Trim Kit (LT48SS) +$1339.00 QTY: 18 Junction Box Plate (N500-0057) +$52.90 QTY: 19 Electrical Housing (W350-0964) +$Call to Order QTY: 20 Stainless Steel Cover (GSS48COV) +$499.00 QTY: 25 Dexen EI Valve - NG ~Old Part # W725-0095~ (W725-0104) +$281.29 QTY: 26 Pilot Assembly - NG [recommend using Hi Temp Silicone] (W010-4945) +$135.91 QTY: 26A High Temperature Red Silicone (70AW) +$12.79 QTY: 27 Pilot Injector - NG (W455-0071) +$43.15 QTY: 28 Control Module (W190-0209) +$401.77 QTY: 31 Remote Transmitter (W660-0228) +$184.22 QTY:
Item Description (Part Number) 10 Glass Shield (N300-0003) +$856.29 QTY: 21 Amber Glass Embers (MKGA) +$159.00 QTY: 21A Clear Glass Embers (MKGC) +$159.00 QTY: 21B Black Glass Embers (MKGK) +$159.00 QTY: 21C Blue Glass Embers (MKGB) +$159.00 QTY: 21D Red Glass Embers (MKGR) +$159.00 QTY: 22 Topaz Glass Embers (N300-0002) +$101.84 QTY: 23 Large Mineral Rock Kit (MRKL) +$329.00 QTY: 24 Driftwood Log Set (DL45) +$429.00 QTY: 29 Conversion Kit - NG to LP (W175-0745) +$89.00 QTY: 30 Control Module Power Adapter (W750-0510) +$Call to Order QTY: 32 Wire Harness (W750-0511) +$49.20 QTY: 33 Pilot Shield (W585-1004) +$Call to Order QTY: 34 Owners Manual [hard copy] [W415-3006] (OMHC-N) +$9.99 QTY: 35 Owners Manual [electronic copy] [W415-3006] (OMEL-N) +$0.00 QTY: